Accommodation Services Insert

Insert an Accommodation Service

  1. Services are added from the Itinerary menu:

    NOTE: If there are no products yet added to the Booking, the list of services will be empty.

  2. NOTE: Fields and selections available on this screen are described fully in About the Service Line Fields (Selection Tab).

  3. NOTE:  

    • Clicking Hold will 'tag' and hold the product until it is formally booked. For example, multiple products for a particular location can be tagged as held and then all held products can be booked in one step.
    • Additional fields and selections available on this screen are described in About the Service Insert Fields (Results tab).

    NOTE: Additional fields and selections available on this screen are described in About the Service Line Fields (Selection Tab) (Held Services).

  4. NOTE:  

    • If you don't need to examine a product's details, or there are multiple Held products to book, you can stay on the Held tab and click Book Held Services.
    • Additional fields and selections available on this screen are described in Add Services to an FIT Booking.

NOTE: You can now add another service (see Add Services to an FIT Booking) or manage other parts of the booking (see Managing Existing FIT Bookings).

NOTE: Some services may require manual pricing - if this is the case, the Service rate requires manual pricing entry screen appears and you will need to manually add pricing information (see ).